Thursday, November 29, 2012

Classroom Set-Up 2012

Ok...I know I'm a little late getting started here...but I figure the first post should document my classroom set-up.  I went with something a little different this year - I usually have my desk in the back of the room with bookshelves in front of it, but my computer has to be in the front of the room because of the network hook-ups.  I got tired of having to walk across the room every time I wanted to use my computer, so this year I put my desk beside my computer table and rearranged my entire classroom from there.  It took me and my friend Amanda an entire day to set up my room, and then I came back the next day to finish what we didn't get done.  In the end, I am very pleased with what we came up with :)

This is the view from the back wall.  The dot spots are only to teach the classes (especially the Kindergarteners) how to space themselves apart and make straight lines.  Once they master this skill, they are not needed anymore.  I bought them at 
In the front of the room I have my piano, a bookshelf, my CD player and my overhead (yes, I'm stuck in the dark ages as far as technology!). The bookshelf is great for organizing the materials I am using for the day.  I have also found that my piano bench is exactly the right height for my overhead :)
I put magnets on the back of a bulletin board border and put it on my whiteboard.  There wasn't really a reason - I just wanted to make it pretty.

This is the view from the front of the room (standing at the whiteboard).  In the back of my room I have one small window, 4 moveable bookshelves, and a bulletin board.  Soon, this bulletin board will have my recorder information, but right now it just lists the different things that one might learn in an elementary music class.

Here is a closer view of othe back wall.  The bookshelves on the left side have my "music library" - a collection of picture books that are music themed.  I share these books during lessons, but I also leave them on the bookshelf for students to read independently during extra class time or "free choice" days.

This is my "home-away-from-home.  My desk and my computer table form an L, and my mini filing cabinet sits right beside my desk.  If I'm working on my computer, I am facing the door. 

Right behind my chair I have 3 pocket charts that I bought from Michaels.  I have one folder for each class I teach.  In the folders are my class rosters, my seating charts, and any other information I need handy about the class (such as health forms, behavior records, copies of notes sent home, etc).  I pull out all the folders I need for the day first thing.  It has really helped keep me organized.

Right beside my desk I have 3 bookshelves that house my classroom instruments.  I bought the material and some tension-type curtain rods at Wal-Mart and made the curtains myself.  Above is my word wall - it has been up for 4 years now.  The wall is covered with carpet, so the words have velcro on the back.

In front of the computer table I have another set of bookshelves.  I am fortunate enough at my school to have 2 sets of textbooks.  I have the McMillan-McGraw Hill "Spotlight on Music" series and the slightly older Silver Burdett Ginn "Making Music" series.  I use songs from both, but I rarely ever hand out textbooks anymore.

This is the supply shelf.  I put it right beside the door so students would be able to pick up any supplies they need on their way into the room. 

I got this idea on Pinterest...but I made it myself.  I took a wood plaque and painted it black.  Then I painted small wooden letters pink and glued them on the plaque.  The hooks were tricky.  I used wooden circles, something that looked like an empty spool of thread, and another wooded circle.  I painted them all different colors and then glued them together.  I bought the hall passes at Wal-Mart, cut the cheap ribbon off and added my own.  It's not exactly how I envisioned in my mind; nevertheless, I am pleased with the result. 

This is the view of my classroom from the hallway.  I have a welcome table right outside of my room.  It is covered with yet another material that I found at Wal-Mart.

I came up with idea all by myself!  Laminated strips of black construction paper and a set of store-bought music notes.  I wrote the letters on the note heads with a white out pen.

So that's my classroom :)